Danuka Ana Tomas / / Interaction Design

Sleep Project

Sleep Mask, Performance

Before industrialisation people used to wake up in the middle of the night and use the time to write, read or have sex - later they went back to sleep again. Because of industrialisation it became more and more important for people to sleep 8h during the night so that during the day one could become a fully productive member of society. As everyone has the same sleep rhythme, one gets traped in this system of 8h sleep every night.

How could we become more aware of our sleep and own it even during the day?
Through the Sleep Mask we can immerse into a warm, dark and good smeling enviroment. Therefore we are able to relax and fall asleep, when ever we want while out and about.

Documentation: Tumblr

ZHdK, Embodied Interaction, 2020, Personal Data Collection

Students: Danuka Ana Tomas (IAD), Andreas Fürrer (IAD),
Edna Hirsbrunner (IAD), Michelle Schmid (IAD)
Lecturers: Dr. Joëlle Bitton (IAD), Andrés Villa-Torres (IAD), Marcial Koch (IAD)