Danuka Ana Tomas / / Interaction Design


Video Installation // Projected videos on old fabric, color tube tv

What means home to you?
Already swiss photographer Roberto Donetta (1865 - 1932) tried to capture his beloved ones and their lifes in the sleepy Bleniotal, (TI).

How might it be today and how can we pass on the wisdom and knowledge of the residents?
A video installation showing the moments of the Valley waking up, capturing the first lights of the day and the thoughts of its residents.

ZHdK, Interdisciplinary Module
Scientific Visualization coop. Stage Design, 2020, Ritorno al future

Students: Danuka Ana Tomas (IAD), Maurane Zaug (VC), William Hellberg Yanci (VS)
Lecturers: Karin Seiler (VS ), Christian Imhof (DDK)